Green treatments from Locus Bio-Energy Solutions outperform synthetic chemicals at a fraction of the dosage rate and cost.
HOUSTON (October 27, 2020) A newly developed green technology is showing promise in reviving the U.S. shale market by optimizing initial oil production in completions and slowing declines. Branded as SUSTAIN™, the industry-first treatments developed by Locus Bio-Energy Solutions (Locus BE) are formulated using biosurfactants with unique multi-functional properties for hydraulic-fracturing that require as little as 1/50th of the dosage rate of traditional completions surfactants, significantly lowering costs. SUSTAIN helps oil operators boost initial production (IP) and sustain those higher rates for longer periods to maximize operator profitability and estimated ultimate recovery, which all work to increase the Return on Investment (ROI) of unconventional wells—a must in today’s capital–challenged operating environment.
The Problem: Declining Production in U.S. Shale
Unconventional (Shale) wells are responsible for more than 60% of gross U.S. oil and gas production, yet most wells recover less than 10% of the original oil in place. These wells have high initial oil production rates, but decline very rapidly within the first six to 12 months. With less capital available for drilling and completions in today’s market, oil and gas operators need new hydraulic fracturing technologies that can maximize initial production and maintain those rates to extend the total life cycle of the well and improve the economics of the wells they are completing.
“SUSTAIN biosurfactants used in hydraulic fracturing completions are the first and only solutions with an unmatched ability for displacement into the smallest reservoir pores to mobilize more oil than traditional surfactants, improving initial flowback performance and increasing total estimated recovery—while also enhancing ESG profiles,” said Jon Rogers, CEO at Locus Bio-Energy Solutions.
Solution: SUSTAIN Biosurfactant Technology
SUSTAIN is the first green technology that outperforms synthetic chemicals. Its success comes from the use of biosurfactants not previously viable in oilfield applications, which have unique multifunctional properties that solve the biggest shale challenges:
- Reaching Immobile Oil: SUSTAIN’s biosurfactants can penetrate the smallest shale rock “nanopores” that other treatments can’t reach—mobilizing otherwise immobile oil and enhancing recovery in unconventional tight formations where pore throats are extremely small. Locus BE’s biosurfactants are less than 2 nm in diameter, significantly smaller than any other competing technologies, which increases penetration in the reservoir during hydraulic fracturing.
- Cost-Effectively Boosting Production: SUSTAIN biosurfactants alter surface wettability at lower ppm levels and up to 50X less concentrations than traditional surfactants—maximizing oil recovery while minimizing fluid costs.
- Extending Treatment Results: Unlike traditional chemical surfactants, up to 50% of SUSTAIN’s biosurfactants are adsorbed in shale reservoirs and slowly desorb over time, providing continued long-term mobilization of oil after flowback. These ultra-low effective dosage rates also ensure that SUSTAIN will continue to contribute to boosting production performance for months after application.
- Prolonging Well Lifespan: SUSTAIN biosurfactants break up organic deposits and keep them in suspension—preventing post–completion fouling, ensuring long-term profitable well operations and extending the total life cycle.
- Exceeding ESG Requirements: SUSTAIN biosurfactants are naturally produced, non–GMO, biodegradable and safe for handling—allowing oil companies to maximize sustainability without sacrificing performance and profit.
“Biosurfactants are one of the most powerful solutions to many problems in the oilfield, but pricing and volume limitations previously restricted their use,” Rogers said “At Locus BE, we perfected production methods that enable cost-effective development of biosurfactants at scale, to provide U.S. oil & gas operators with environmentally friendly replacements or additions to current hydraulic fracturing technologies with unsurpassed long-term production benefits. Our ISO 9001 certified manufacturing operations ensure consistent product quality and performance for our customers.”
SUSTAIN is the newest addition to Locus BE’s portfolio of award-winning biosurfactant solutions for upstream oil applications, which have received global recognition for their ability to maximize production, cut costs and help operators do more with less—including saving them millions of dollars through regional tax incentives. The Locus BE SUSTAIN product line can be tailored for use with other additives or as a stand-alone solution to sustainably boost performance in hydraulic fracturing, mobilize otherwise immobile oil and improve flowback performance— increasing revenue and improving estimated ultimate recovery (EUR). For more information, visit LocusBioEnergy.com/SUSTAIN.
About Locus Bio-Energy Solutions™
Locus Bio-Energy Solutions™ (Locus BE) has patented technology that brings green biosurfactant treatments to the oilfield proven to outperform synthetic chemicals at a fraction of the dosage rates and cost. A world-class team of R&D scientists have solved the problems plaguing other biological-based products with the development of biosurfactant treatments optimized for enhanced oil recovery, wellbore cleaning, and paraffin wax and asphaltene remediation, including the cleaning of rods, pipelines and flow lines, casings and solidified storage tank bottoms. The environmentally friendly and biodegradable solutions have been nationally recognized for their ability to maximize ESG and profitability, solve top pain points and help operators do more with less. They are the only green treatments approved as a tertiary EOR technology, qualifying users for millions of dollars annually in state tax incentives. Their unmatched success in boosting oil production and minimizing new drilling are driving sustainability and financial security across the industry. For more information, visit LocusBioEnergy.com.